10th of January 2022

By Argsa

Keyword research for SEO

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Why is Research Important for SEO
  3. How to do keyword research
  4. How to choose a keyword


Keyword research is very crucial before starting SEO in your website because it describes the site behavior like what type of services are provided to the customers as per the search by the keywords in the search engine. Keyword helps the site to be reached in the targeted market, how the customer searching for your products, service, or content so that you can imagine the basic fundamental needs of appropriate keyword research. Proper keywords will help you to reach your site to the targeted audience and it helps you to get business from the digital world. Genuine and high-value keywords are the main cause of getting more traffic to your website. Before starting keywords research, you should think about why keywords research is important for your site and this thinking will help your brain to find out the basic seeds of the contents written in your site, the seeds are the main words of your site which are described the whole website about the products, services or the contents.

Why is Research Important for SEO:

Keyword research is the first step of SEO. Keywords help you to find content topics, on-page SEO, email outreach, and content promotion. The keyword is the heart of SEO because it helps the site to reach the target audience and decide where to show your site and where not to promote. Keywords will help you to understand the target audience they are searching for in search engines like google, yahoo, youtube.

How to do keyword research:

You may have some keywords in your mind that represent your site to the targeted audience but you need to know about the search volume and competitors of the keywords because it helps your site to get more traffic. Your site will have the contents that represent your entire site, try to find out some seeds of the content that also represents your site in short. these seeds will help you to get the high search volume keywords and the competitors by using keywords tools. There are so many free keywords research tools are available on the internet like Soovle, google search console, google keyword planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, Keywords Everywhere, Keyword Snatcher, Google Trends, SEMrush, KWFinder, QuestionDB, Serpstat, etc. once you put your seed in the keyword research tools it will give you a lot of suggestion of the keywords with the search volume per month and the competitor, here the search volume of the keywords are not unique it counts if the same user visits multiple times using the same keyword. These tools will help you to determine the set of popular keywords among the searches you may want to use on your site.

How to choose a keyword:

Once you get the suggestive keywords from the keywords research tools try to put them into an excel file with the monthly search volume and the competitors. You can choose the high search volume keywords for your website SEO campaign because it will get more traffic that help you to get business from the digital world but here you should keep in mind that if a keyword has a huge monthly search volume then the competition among the websites will be high for that particular keyword. I will suggest you initially take a keyword which is having a low monthly search volume and get started an SEO campaign with that keyword, it will help you get listed in search engines very easily as the competition is not so high and it will full fill your expectation as you wanted to be listed in search engine very firstly. once you are listed in the search engine with low monthly search value keywords, you will be motivated to do something bigger in an SEO campaign, now start to do with the high search volume keywords it will be benefitted for your business and it gets the relevant traffic in your site.

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