18th of January 2022

By Argsa

Why Laravel PHP Framework is the best solution for web application?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of laravel
  3. Open Source
  4. Security
  5. Authentication 
  6. Route Caching
  7. Data Migration
  8. Laravel Artisan
  9. Object-Oriented Libraries
  10. MVC Architecture



Individual developers or web application solutions providing company is always worried about choosing the right PHP framework to develop a big project for their clients. They are thinking of the security of the project they are providing to their clients because now day security issues are the biggest problem to the developers as well as to the clients, it makes a bad impact on relations between a company and the clients. Clients always want a robust application within a short time so timing is a huge factor for a web application solutions providing company or to individual developers they need to provide a customized application within a short time.

If you want to develop a robust application within a short time and the application will be faster than others then laravel is the right choice to work. I will explain in detail below why Laravel is the best PHP framework for a web application.

Overview of laravel:

Laravel is the open-source PHP Framework, it is created by Taylor Otwell. The primary goal of this framework is to develop complex and big projects in a simple way. Developers can easily use top-notch features in their projects.

Laravel is a web application framework it has an expressive, elegant syntax.  Laravel provides an amazing developer experience while providing powerful features like dependency injection, an expressive database abstraction layer, queues, scheduled jobs, and many more.

Open Source:

Now in a competitive market project cost is a factor for both the companies and clients. The client wants an application on a low budget but the features need to be best in this situation web-based companies need to find an open-source platform that means they need not provide any license fees for the platform they use to develop the project. The main advantage of any open-source framework is it can be easily customized in any part of the project as per the client's need.


Security of any application is a sensitive matter that is why I always recommended using laravel framework because it has high-security aspects to prevent any malware activities in the application. CSRF token is always checked before performing any database-related operations and it has a very robust authentications process. Laravel is always free of cyber-attacks.


In other PHP frameworks, Authentication is always being tough to maintain and the coding structure for other frameworks is been difficult. Laravel has a very simple authentication process it can be easily developed by a command and this authentication is very robust.

Route Caching:

The client always wants a faster application that is why laravel application can be the best choice because it has a route cache solution that reduces the loading time of any application. It makes a faster application compared to others.

Data Migration:

In any application, if you need a data migration that can be a huge headache for a developer. The data migration process is not very easy it always has a huge risk of data loss. It is a completed task for developers to migrate databases without losing any data. Laravel uses a simple data migration process that helps the developers to migrate databases without losing any data.

Laravel Artisan:

Laravel artisan is introduced in Laravel 3. It is basically a command-line interface that helps the developers to create a Controller model and view.

Object-Oriented Libraries:

Laravel is having a huge set of object-oriented libraries that make the developer helpful because developers need not write a huge coding structure for a solution they only need to know the use of libraries. Libraries like CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) feature, authentication library, encryption, active user checking feature, passport REST API packages, etc. The libraries in laravel are the supported in latest PHP version.

MVC Architecture:

Laravel follows the MVC architecture that means it is based on model view and controller. This architecture helps the developer to build an optimum solution and not to write so much coding so that the loading speed of the application is reduced. Model and controller are the same with respect to others but the view is different respect to others it has its own template engine known as the blade. It is an amazing layout for dynamic content.

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